Recently Lifecycle employees raised £590 for their chosen charity, Newbury Soup Kitchen. A local charity who provide meals and support for the homeless.
The fundraising was in honour of Captain Tom who famously completed a 100 laps of his garden at the age of 100 to raise money for the NHS. It would have been his 101 birthday on 30th April and his family encouraged people to do 100 for charity.
Lifecycle set up the "Souper 100 Challenge" with the aim to raise enough funds to buy 100 items from the soup kitchen’s wish list. Due to the generosity of our employees and a top up from Lifecycle, we were able to purchase 1,836 items including a freezer, food containers, kitchen equipment, rucksacks and pot noodles.
Meryl, Newbury Soup Kitchen’s founder said "Thank you so much for the wonderful fundraiser. What an amazing total, I am always so humbled by people’s generosity and kindness toward the Soup Kitchen."